Extinct language from Sierra Leone.
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1Poor Dama! in her high treble and strained back to the room.
2It's a very frowned-on thing in the order of the Dama, mind you.
3Eccellentissimo, the word came to me by the Dama de Montferrat, in confidence.
4But Rue supposed that even Dama needed the occasional undead wallow.
5But Dama Margherita had no reverence for the Archbishop of Nikosia.
6These were not the highly dressed pinks of the type her dear Dama collected.
7Eloisà Contarini turned to the young Dama Ecciva de Montferrat with her impulsive question:
8She could ill afford to waste time, for she must dress properly for Dama.
9At 4 o'Clock we discover'd a small low Island* (* Dama Island.)
10Noth, Dama! She was lisping around her fangs.
11The youthful Dama Ecciva laughed lightly:
12But Dama Ecciva's spirits had revived.
13Now do behave for poor Dama.
14Could I risk any hurt to thee, cara Dama Margherita, if duty of plainest speech were not imperative?
16Queen Victoria was utterly beastly, took me to task for all the things both you and Dama already reprimanded me for.